Pro Politics with Zac McCrary

David Nir & The Rise of the Netroots

Zac McCrary

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A great conversation this week with David Nir, recently celebrating his 10-year anniversary as the Political Director of Daily Kos. David's career charts the rise of the Democratic online grassroots from a ramshackle group of political junkies in the early 00s to now being one of the pillars of the Democratic political universe.

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Facebook: The Pro Politics Podcast


What was David’s first introduction to feminism?

How being the child of a Holocaust survivor has informed who David is…

Why David seeing a Geraldine Ferraro rally in 1984 was an ill omen for the ticket’s chances…

David’s early memories of Rudy Giuliani in NYC politics…

The candidate who taught David to avoid getting too attached to any individual politician…

How David fell in love with down-ballot races…

How David made the decision to forego a legal career to plunge full-time into politics…

How unlikely candidates in Kentucky and South Dakota kicked off the rise of the Democratic netroots…

How an "extra penny" let campaigns know the arrival of the progressive netroots…

Lavishing praise upon the DKE Daily News Digest and Elections Data…

David’s tips for candidates and campaigns who want to connect with the Daily Kos community…

The story of Daily Kos and the rise of Jon Ossoff… 

David helps topple the “turncoat” IDC legislative coalition in New York…

What one requirement would have to be part of David’s online dating profile…



Ben Chandler, Wes Clark, Howard Dean, David Dinkins, John Edwards, Marc Elias, Geraldine Ferraro, Rudy Giuliani, Kaili Joy Gray, Paul Hackett, Karen Handel, Stephanie Herseth, John Kerry, Jeff Klein, John Lewis, Rachel Maddow, Walter Mondale, Markos Moulitsas, Jean Schmidt, Jeff Singer, Elliot Spitzer, Tim Tagaris, Trent Thompson, Elizabeth Warren,  Stephen Wolf, AND MORE!


Podcast Website
Twitter: @ProPoliticsPod
Twitter: @ZacMcCrary
Facebook: The Pro Politics Podcast