Pro Politics with Zac McCrary

Rose Kapolczynski, icon of West Coast politics

Zac McCrary

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This week my guest is Rose Kapolczynski, a legend in California politics and beyond. Rose managed all four of Barbara Boxer's successful US Senate races, including the iconic Boxer upset win in the '92 Year of the Woman. Beyond Boxerworld, Rose started her own consulting firm and has been deeply involved in numerous successful campaigns - and she is currently the President of the American Association of Political Consultants.

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Facebook: The Pro Politics Podcast


How the politics of the late 60s set Rose on her path…

Rose organizes her high school for George McGovern…

Rose talks about the formative period in the 70s of the environmental movement getting involved in campaigns…

What was Rose’s memorable first reaction when she was offered a job working for Gary Hart’s '84 presidential campaign…

Rose draws parallels between the 1984 presidential primary and the 2020 primary…

Why Rose advises people to work for an underdog campaign…

Rose’s memories of working in the US Senate in the 80s…

Rose’s momentous first meeting with then Congresswoman Barbara Boxer…

How Rose helped engineer Barbara Boxer’s upset ’92 Senate race…

Rose’s memories of the 1992 Year of the Woman…

What early decision did Senator Boxer make to reach out to Republican areas of the state…

The “number one thing” Rose looks for when making hiring decisions…

The “three jobs” Rose sees as key to being a successful political consultant…

Rose’s practical tips on how to pitch potential clients…

Rose’s “most important thing” in running your own business…

Rose talks about one of her toughest ballot-measure victories as a consultant…

Rose tells us what political consultants and strip clubs have in common…

ALSO…The AAPC, Mark Armour, Jerry Brown, Frank Church, Bill Clinton, Alan Cranston, Dianne Feinstein, Al Gore, John Glenn, Dorie Greenspan, Bob Hattoy, Pudge Henkel, Bruce Herschensohn, Anita Hill, Jesse Jackson, Ed Lazarus, Jim Margolis, Walter Mondale, Steve Murphy, Karen Olick, Ross Perot, Mark Putnam, Steve Rabinowitz, Ronald Reagan,  the Sierra Club, Amy Simon, Pete Wilson, Tim Wirth and more!

Podcast Website
Twitter: @ProPoliticsPod
Twitter: @ZacMcCrary
Facebook: The Pro Politics Podcast